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Questions and Answers

Below, you will find answers to frequently asked questions about the ongoing situation in Jasper, including information on housing, safety, and re-entry procedures. If you are a business owner, you will find guidance on how to reopen your business. If you are still displaced, you will find information on further resources and supports. We are also actively working to answer additional questions, so please check back for updates.

More questions? 

  • For resident inquiries, please email
  • For business inquiries, please email 

In the initial stages of the emergency response, including the first few days of re-entry, access to the townsite was restricted to protect the privacy and safety of residents and businesses. Soon thereafter, checkpoints were removed to allow support teams to enter town as well to assist residents.  

While visitor access for Jasper is no longer restricted, there are limited services and attractions available at this time. If people plan to travel to Jasper, we strongly encourage them to check what’s open and accessible before they go. It is important to note that sections of both the park and the townsite remain closed to ensure safety, protect residents’ privacy, and support the overall recovery efforts.  Please respect park closure signs, as well as Recovery Areas in the townsite. 

Jasperites continue to deal with the immediate impacts of this disaster. Many of our residents have not yet been able to return home because their homes have been destroyed or are not livable. We are incredibly grateful for the exceptional support visitors have shown thus far, and the messages of reassurance from around the world have truly lifted our spirits.   

As we move forward, visitors will continue to play an important role in our community’s economic and social recovery. We ask all visitors to respect local residents as well as the closures in place around the townsite and throughout the park. By doing so, it will help keep everyone safe and support our recovery process.  

Park Closures: areas of Jasper National Park remains closed, except for defined areas and transportation corridors. 

Businesses & Community Facilities: Businesses and community facilities are working hard to reopen. An up-to-date list is available here. Some business owners are ready to reopen, others are not ready yet, and others are unsure. There is not one ‘right’ move here, and we support all business owners in the decisions they each make individually on when to re-open.  

If a reopened business is not listed, please email us at and we will add it to the list.

We know Jasperites are facing a lot of uncertainty, especially when it comes to housing. The Jasper Recovery Coordination Centre is actively working to address housing needs following the wildfire. The current focus includes assessing housing requirements, exploring interim housing options, and matching essential workers with temporary accommodations. We are evaluating various housing solutions, including pre-fabricated housing and workforce accommodations. 

For more information on housing, please click here.

We understand that some of you may still need additional support as you navigate this challenging transition. Please visit the displaced Jasperites webpage for updates on reception centres, support resources, and employment information. 

As per Alberta Health Services, the Boil Water Order remains in effect for some areas in the townsite. For more information, click here. Portable water stations remain available for impacted residents. For more information on station locations, please click here

Please visit the Insurance Bureau of Canada for information and resources on wildfires and insurance.

Alberta Health Services offers a comprehensive guide on returning and reopening after a wildfire, which you can access here. Business owners governed by the Public Health Act Regulations are permitted to reopen by following the applicable guidelines, without needing health approval inspections. If onsite inspection or support is required, business owners can contact Environmental Public Health by calling 1-833-476-4743 or completing this service request form. Additionally, as of Monday, August 19, all hotel employees and third-party contractors assisting with cleaning and restoration activities may stay overnight at the property where they work.

Alberta wildfire evacuees can visit the registry agent of their choice to replace their lost identification. Registry agent locations are available online.

  • Driver's License: For driver’s licences and ID cards, registry agents will validate the applicant’s identity by checking their image and signature to ensure they match what is on file.
  • Birth Certificates: If an applicant has another ID, birth certificates can be replaced by applying in person at a registry agent's office. If a birth certificate is missing, the applicant will need to bring someone who can vouch for their identity and has known them for more than one year. 
  • Passports: Canadian passports and other travel documents can be requested through the Government of Canada

It is normal to see smoke from wildfires that are being held. Inside large wildfires, unburnt patches of vegetation can catch fire under the right conditions. Firefighters are watching these flare-ups and responding as needed. Please only report smoke if it is outside of the wildfire area.