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Did you know? Newcomers to Canada have access to free English and French language learning and assessment. Learn more about these opportunities in the short video below:

English Language Assessment 

Most English language programs follow the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB). The CLB assess language skills in Canada.

CLB levels in daily life

CLB Level 4 is needed for daily living. 

CLB 5 to 8 is needed to work in Alberta.

CLB 6 to 9 or higher is needed to study in Alberta.

To find out your CLB level:

Contact Jasper Settlement Services for an official CLB assessment.

English & French Language Learning in Jasper

There are a few places in Jasper that offer classes and resources for English and French language learning: 

Jasper Employment and Education Centre (JEEC) offers a variety of English language learning opportunities for adults. This classes include free drop in programs and low cost courses. 

Jasper Municipal Library has a great selection of language resources for English and French learning. You can get a membership for free. Looking to learn English with materials printed in your native language? Ask our librarians for help!

L’Association Canadienne Française de Jasper (ACFA) offers in person French language courses for beginner and Intermediate learners.  Registration for these courses is usually in the fall (September- November) and winter (February). 

Translation and Interpretation Services

Jasper Settlement Services has access to resources for translation services. 

Settlement Services can help with one-on-one translation. You may need this service for a doctor's appointment or other situations. 

Volunteer as a translator: 

If you would like to volunteer as a translator, Settlement Services would love to hear from you. Let them know you can help newcomers with their translation needs.