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Plans and Reports

Jasper Community Housing Corporation Governance Review

The governance review of the Jasper Community Housing Corporation (JCHC) was conducted with several key objectives in mind. It aimed to describe both the current and projected housing requirements for Jasper over the next 20 years. A high-level roadmap was developed to guide the community towards meeting these housing needs. Additionally, the review sought to identify, define, and evaluate various delivery model options for addressing immediate housing challenges. Finally, it provided recommendations for an effective operational and governance structure for the JCHC or an alternative housing entity to ensure the long-term success of these initiatives. The report identified Jasper’s “housing gap”, or the number of new affordable units required, to be 609 units in 2021 at a population density of 3 persons per unit. 

JCHC Governance Review

Strategic Facility Plan

At the July 2, 2024 Regular meeting, Council voted to officially receive the Strategic Facility Plan for information and directed Administration to consider the plan. ReImagine Architecture Ltd. representatives Rica Migrino and Kevin Mullin presented the detailed framework for the future development and enhancement of municipal facilities at the June 25th Committee of the Whole meeting. The plan emphasizes sustainable design, climate resilience, and the creation of functional, inclusive spaces that meet the needs of both staff and the community.

Strategic Facility Plan 2024

IT Master Plan

The Information Technology Plan (ITMP) was conducted to review foundational areas such as the technical infrastructure, business solutions, policies and procedures, and IT Service Management Practices. It is intended to be used to reflect on areas that are working well and in a good position, as well as focus on areas that require further attention. This Final Report provides details on the work plan, underlying opportunities, the prioritization of processes and an understanding of the expected benefits. The plan recommends that Jasper take a measured approach to increasing its level of effort in IT over the next 5 to 6 years.

IT Master Plan - 2024

Jasper Climate Risk Assessment Report 2024

The Climate Risk Assessment examines the impacts of climate change on Jasper’s localized built, natural, and social/cultural systems. The assessment generally looks out to a future, 30-year time period centered around the 2050s. In some instances, climate hazards are discussed using data projected to the end of the century. The purpose of a risk assessment is to identify as many potential risks as possible, not just the highest risks, so that subsequent adaptation actions are focused along a spectrum of short-, medium- and long-term actions that address both those highest risks and those of greatest concern to the community.
Jasper Climate Risk Assessment Report - 2024

Jasper Labour Market Study

The Labour Market Study was prepared for the Jasper Employment and Education Centre in partnership with the Municipality of Jasper, Community Futures West Yellowhead, Jasper Park Chamber of Commerce, Parks Canada, Tourism Jasper, and the Government of Alberta. The Government of Alberta is working in partnership with the Government of Canada to provide employment support programs and services through Labour Market Partnership grants. Jasper’s business community and labour market faces various challenges due to a multitude of factors, but primarily faces an issue of labour shortage.

Jasper Labour Market Study

Jasper Destination Stewardship Plan

The Destination Stewardship Plan aims to optimize the visitor economy to best steward the collective future of Jasper and Jasper National Park. The ten-year road map outlines initiatives that both protect the authenticity of Jasper and look to protect the region’s visitor economy.

Jasper Destination Stewardship Plan

Jasper Community Childcare Strategy 2023-2027

On August 3, 2021 Council approved the use of $24,000 from a portion of the COVID Recovery Reserve to develop a community child care strategy. On February 1, 2022 Council approved engaging with Rob Buschmann from University of Alberta Community-University Partnership, to develop a Jasper Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) Strategy. That report was delivered to Council on December 13, 2022 and since that time Council and Administration have been working together to develop the refined document which Council voted to adopt today.

The strategy is intended to guide Council and administrative efforts to support ELCC programs and services in Jasper and ensure that ELCC is considered during higher-level decision making. The plan builds upon the foundation of work undertaken to date and sets a four-year plan for continued action in this area.

 Jasper Community Childcare Strategy 2023-2027 

Tourism-Based Communities Costs and Fiscal Capacities Report 

In 2022 Jasper, Banff and Canmore engaged a consultant to conduct a analysis to identify the incremental costs the three communities face to provide services to visitors, and to explore how these cost compared to other Alberta municipalities. The report also explores the fiscal capacity each of the municipalities have to address any additional costs.

Tourism Based Communities Study (December 2022)

Active Transportation Feasibility Study 

In 2023, the Municipality of Jasper contracted Associated Engineering to conduct an Active Transportation Feasibility Study. This work was funded by Infrastructure Canada’s Active Transportation Fund, part of Canada’s firs National Active Transportation Strategy. The feasibility study looks at what active transportation infrastructure could look like in Jasper.
The report appears on the September 12, 2023 Council agenda.

Active Transportation Feasibility Study

Recreation Complex Renovations and Upgrades Report

This report presents structural, mechanical and electrical evaluations of the existing recreation complex to support maintenance and renovation plans. This report will be considered further as part of the overall Asset Management Plan development (reports above).

Recreation Facility Assessment (PDF)    March 2017

Culture & Recreation Facilities and Services Review

The Culture and Recreation Services and Facilities Review was undertaken from May 2019 into early 2020 and adopted by Council on July 6, 2021. 

The purpose of the Review was to assess the current state of culture and recreation services and provide Council with strategic guidance that can inform priority setting and ensure that the Municipality’s resources achieve the greatest possible community benefit. The Review was necessary as the Municipality is facing rising operational costs and has a number of aging facilities that will require significant reinvestment in the short, mid, and long term.

Culture & Recreation Facilities and Services Review March 2021

Transportation Strategy & Action Plan

An assessment of Jasper’s demographics, current transportation landscape, potential transit markets, a jurisdictional scan of similar mountain/resort communities, and engagement with local businesses and community members were carried out for the development of this report. The findings from these activities culminated in a Strategy and Action Plan that will guide the municipality of Jasper and its surrounding community on implementation of the most feasible transportation options.

Jasper Transportation Strategy & Action Plan

Asset Management Plan

Asset management planning is a critical step for the long-term, sustainable management of our community - yielding the best possible investment for municipal tax dollars and helping us qualify for provincial and federal infrastructure grant programs.

Maintaining existing infrastructure to accepted standards also helps us deliver quality, reliable services to residents and visitors.

Tactical Level Asset Management Study - Part 2 (PDF)    April 2017

Tactical Level Asset Management Study - Part 2 - Executive Summary (PDF)

  • Includes condition assessments of water, sewer, roadways and sidewalks
  • Facilities and fleet assessments coming later in 2017

Asset Management Study 2015 (PDF)    December 2015

Asset Management Study 2015 - Executive Summary (PDF)

  • Preliminary, theoretical assessment of municipal infrastructure systems

Sustainability Plan

The Jasper Community Sustainability Plan 2011 (PDF) describes the community’s vision for a sustainable future and proposes goals, objectives, targets and strategies to achieve that vision. The Plan is structured around the five pillars of sustainability: society, culture, economy, environment, and government.

Paper Copies

Paper copies are available at the Municipality of Jasper administration office, Parks Canada administration office and the Jasper Municipal Library.